Hello world!
This is hopefully the beginning of something great. A bit lofty I know. But there’s hope yet for this fledgling studio to become more than a Pipe Dream. This post marks the near-beginning of a project I’ve attempted to pursue for much of my adult life. My hope is to use this platform to not only develop and sell our games and other services, but also use it to create a community of sharing and a developer friendly space. You’ll find tutorials here. Assets. Scripts. All sorts of things that will, with a little luck, make your day a bit brighter, and a tad easier.
These goals will definitely take a while to unfold, but with our Mega Man Fan Game as a starting point, I think we’re on the right track to providing fans with something cool to play and develop with. Check out the video below for the current public status of the project, as of this writing… Here’s to taking next steps!